This is the homepage of LFMTP 2017.

New! The Formal Proceedings and the Work in progress Proceedings are online!

Logical frameworks and meta-languages form a common substrate for representing, implementing, and reasoning about a wide variety of deductive systems of interest in logic and computer science. Their design and implementation and their use in reasoning tasks ranging from the correctness of software to the properties of formal computational systems have been the focus of considerable research over the last two decades. This workshop will bring together designers, implementors, and practitioners to discuss various aspects impinging on the structure and utility of logical frameworks, including the treatment of variable binding, inductive and co-inductive reasoning techniques and the expressiveness and lucidity of the reasoning process.

LFMTP 2017 will provide researchers a forum to present state-of-the-art techniques and discuss progress in areas such as the following:

LFMTP 2017 will be also the occasion to celebrate the 70th birthday of Randy Pollack, author of the LEGO proof assistant and many other contributions to this field.

Important Dates


The following paper categories are welcome:

Submitted papers should be in PDF, formatted using the ACM SIGCONF format. The page limit is 8 pages for full papers, and 4 pages for work-in-progress reports.

Submission is via EasyChair. Submit to LFMTP17 now!


Accepted regular papers will be included in the proceedings, which will be published in the ACM Digital Library.

Program Committee

Organizing Committee


Registration will be handled by FSCD.